Issue - decisions

Update on Leeds City Council's preparations for the UK's exit from the European Union

15/02/2021 - Update on Leeds City Council's actions following the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union

Further to Minute No. 98, 16th December 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report which, following the White Paper Motion resolution of Full Council on 13th January 2021, provided the Board with an overview of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement, an initial view of its potential impacts and the approach of the Council moving forward. It also provided an update on other areas affected by EU Exit including the repatriation of EU funding and the EU Settlement Scheme.


By way of introduction to the submitted report, the Board received an update on the ongoing work which continued in this area.


Responding to a Member’s comments, the Board received further detail regarding the communications between the Department for International Trade, the LEP, the Combined Authority and the Council and the actions being taken to support the business community moving forward. With regard to the level of contact which was being made with the Department for International Trade and its regional representatives on such matters, officers undertook to provide further detail to the Member in question.


Members also discussed the issue of the repatriation of European funding and the need for benefit from that funding to be maximised. Members also discussed how a long term approach towards the Government’s provision of funding would be helpful in terms of planning for the future. The Board also considered the process by which such funding would be delivered regionally, and whether it would be directed to Local Authorities or the Mayoral Authority. In conclusion, it was agreed that the Leader, on behalf of the Board write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government seeking further clarification on the process by which European funding would be repatriated.


With regard to the global market, a Member referenced the current situation with regard to China, with it being noted that such matters were being monitored, as appropriate.



(a)  That the developments which have occurred since the previous Executive Board report (16th December 2020); the overview of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement and its potential impacts; together with the Council’s next steps following its signing to capitalise on any opportunities moving forward, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That, following the resolution of the White Paper Motion by Council on 13th January 2021, agreement be given to the drafting of a letter calling on the Government to ensure EU funding repatriated to the UK is devolved to local Councils and Mayoral Combined Authorities as soon as possible, and following specific agreement as detailed above, the Leader, on behalf of the Board, write to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government seeking further clarification on the process by which European funding would be repatriated.