Issue - decisions

Grey to Green Project Tranche 1: Corn Exchange Public Realm Design Cost Report

15/02/2021 - Corn Exchange Public Realm Design and Cost Report

The Director of City Development submitted a report which outlined the establishment of the ‘Grey to Green’ work programme for the creation of high quality green infrastructure projects and detailed the related submission of a final business case to West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA). The report also set out the proposed redevelopment of an area of land outside the Corn Exchange for the creation of a new high quality public realm, and which sought the necessary ‘authority to spend’ for the delivery of the proposal. Finally, the report provides information and sought the necessary approvals for the development of proposals regarding the pavilion building to be brought forward by CX (Leeds) Limited, subject to planning approvals.


Following consideration of Appendix 3 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information

Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the establishment of the ‘Grey to Green’ work programme and the submission of a final business case to WYCA in November 2020 to secure £8.6m of match funding from the Government’s Getting Building Fund, be noted;


(b)  That the progress made on proposals for the development of the public realm scheme for the Corn Exchange, linked to the delivery of the Connecting Leeds Corn Exchange Gateway, be noted;


(c)  That the authority to spend up to £1,546,655 on the Corn Exchange Public Realm scheme from the sources identified within the submitted report, be approved;


(d)  That the principles of the proposed lease terms, as outlined in the exempt appendix to the submitted report, for the construction of a pavilion building and a ground lease between Leeds City Council and CX (Leeds) Limited (part of Rushbond PLC), be approved, with the necessary authority being delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director to conclude the final agreement;


(e)  That the principles of the management agreement between Leeds City Council and CX (Leeds) Limited to facilitate use of the space by CX (Leeds) Limited for an annual programme of trading and events associated with the Corn Exchange, be approved and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in order to enable the Director to conclude the final agreement;


(f)  That it be noted that further reports will be submitted to Executive Board regarding approvals for the remaining ‘Grey to Green’ projects;


(g)  That subject to ongoing consultation with relevant Executive Members, as appropriate, it be noted that the Director of City Development will be responsible for the implementation of the resolutions arising from the submitted report.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillors S Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)