Issue - decisions

Highways Infrastructure Maintenance Programmes 2021-22

31/03/2021 - Highways Infrastructure Maintenance Programmes 2021-22

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation);

a)  gave authority to incur expenditure of £18,235,476 (£14,930,022 works costs and £2,330,454 internal staff and partner design fee costs plus £975,000 bridge inspection, assessment and asset management fees) funded from the 2021/22 Local Transport Plan Capital Grant Allocation (£6,035,476) and Leeds City Council Capital Resources (£12,200,000);

b)  approved the addition of the schemes listed in appendices B and C to this report into the Highways Infrastructure Maintenance Programmes 2021/22;

c)  noted the addition of schemes listed in appendix D to this report into the Revenue Highways Infrastructure Maintenance Programmes 2021/22;

d)  noted the reductions in funding covering all applicable budgets from previous years, and the possible long term effects this will cause to the Highway Infrastructure assets;

e)  noted that we do expect to receive £4,828,381 (£4,311,054 works costs and £517,327 internal staff fees) funded from the DfT Pothole Capital Grant 2021/22, which will help offset the budget reductions detailed within this report.  A further report will be brought to request authority to incur expenditure, once confirmation of the funding has been received;

f)  The Chief Officer shall be responsible for implementation of the attached programmes of work within the 2021/22 financial year.