Issue - decisions

LSCP Annual Report

22/03/2021 - Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report (2019/20): Evaluating the Effectiveness of Safeguarding Arrangements in Leeds

Further to Minute No. 120, 7th January 2020, the Director of Children and Families submitted a report which presented the Leeds Safeguarding Children’s Partnership’s (LSCP) Annual Report for the period 2019/20. The report highlighted the identified areas of good practice, the areas for continued focus and also the safeguarding priorities for the city.


The Board welcomed Jasvinder Sanghera CBE, Independent Chair of the LSCP to the meeting, who was in attendance in order to introduce the key points of the annual report and to highlight key priorities.


By way of introduction, the Executive Member and the Independent Chair highlighted the development of a new Children and Young People’s Partnership model, the ongoing focus upon the safeguarding arrangements in place for young people when transitioning into adulthood, and again reiterated the collaborative approach being taken between the safeguarding boards in Leeds. Detail was also provided on the work undertaken on the priority of addressing and raising awareness in respect of domestic abuse.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further detail on the arrangements in place to monitor the wellbeing of Children Looked After who were in placements located outside of the Local Authority’s boundary, with the Independent Chair undertaking that this matter could be taken forward for further consideration.


Also, the Board received further information on the work being undertaken by the LSCP regarding elected home education.


In relation to the Managed Approach to on-street sex working in Leeds, and any implications relating to the safeguarding of children arising from that, the Independent Chair noted a Member’s comments on this and undertook to consider that matter further.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, together with the LSCP’s Annual Report, as appended, including the identified areas of good practice and the areas for continued focus, be noted and endorsed;


(b)  That the safeguarding priorities for the city, as identified in the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report for 2019/20, be noted and endorsed.