Issue - decisions

Middleton Park – Public Transport Infrastructure Improvements

10/03/2021 - Middleton Park – Public Transport Infrastructure Improvements

The Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation:

i) Noted and approved the Middleton Park – Public Transport Infrastructure Improvement scheme as shown on the attached Drawing Nos TM/23/373/MISC/07, 08 & 09;

ii) Gave authority to issue the works to the term contractor and to construct the scheme as shown.

iii) Noted the required expenditure of £300,000, comprising £210,000 works costs and £90,000 staff fees, all being funded from the Connecting Leeds programme as previously approved by Executive Board and the Combined Authority’s Project Assurance Team; and

iv) Noted that the scheme, valued at £300,000, is to be wholly funded from West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Connecting Leeds programme as previously approved by Executive Board.