The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):
i) Noted the contents of this report and the procedures carried out in respect of conducting the annual pedestrian crossing review;
ii) Reviewed and approved the recommendations of the Annual Pedestrian Crossing Review as the basis for the 2021/2022 programme for introducing new formal and informal pedestrian crossings and upgrades to existing infrastructure; and gave authority to commence the detailed design, consultation and implementation of the schemes described in Section 3 of the report and Appendix 2;
iii) Gave authority to incur expenditure of £300,000 inclusive of all works costs, staff fees and legal costs, which will be funded from the Local Transport Plan Transport Policy Capital Programme. Note also that £15,000 additional funding will be provided by the Hunslet & Riverside Ward Members Wellbeing Fund;
iv) Gave authority to transfer and incur expenditure of £100,000 for the provision of a new signalised crossing facility on A660 Headingley Lane, associated with planning application 19/04884/FU and the relevant Section 106 Agreement;
v) Gave authority to display notices on site under the provisions of Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 in order to inform the public of the proposed formal pedestrian crossings;
vi) Gave authority to request the City Solicitor to draft and advertise a Notice under the provisions of Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 for the implementation of traffic calming to complement some of the proposed pedestrian crossings;
vii) Gave authority to request the City Solicitor to draft, advertise and implement, subject to no valid objections being received, a Traffic Regulation Order, Movement Order or Speed Limit Order, where required, to support the proposed pedestrian crossings; and
viii) Agreed to receive such other further reports as may be needed to address any objections received to advertised Notices or other matters arising from the detailed scheme proposals.