Issue - decisions

Local Transport Plan: Casualty Reduction Programme 2021/22

19/05/2021 - Local Transport Plan: Casualty Reduction Programme 2021/22

The Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation:


i)  Noted the contents and recommendations of this report including the continued application of the innovative approach to road casualties looking beyond the traditional ‘sites’ and ‘lengths’ processes;


ii)  Noted the work undertaken over the 2021/22 financial year with respect to the previously approved casualty reduction programme;


iii)  Reviewed and approved the prioritised list of targeted KSI casualty reduction programme and give authority to commence the detailed design, consultation and implementation of the schemes described in Appendix A to this report;


iv)  Gave authority to incur expenditure of £678,000 to deliver 7 schemes identified in this year’s KSI reduction programmes as detailed in Appendix A and the feasibility, initial design and costings of 13 schemes for the 2022/23 KSI works programme;


v)  Gave authority to request the City Solicitor to advertise any Traffic Regulation Orders (Movement Order, Waiting Restriction Order or Experimental Order) as required to address/ resolve the problems identified for each scheme as detailed in Appendix A, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised;


vi)  Gave authority to request the City Solicitor to draft and advertise a Notice under the section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 for the implementation of traffic calming features (speed tables and speed cushions) as detailed in Appendix A; and


vii)  Agreed to receive such other and further reports as may be required to address any objections received to advertised notices or other matters arising from the detailed scheme proposals.