Issue - decisions

Design & Cost Report for Leeds Town Hall Essential stonework repairs and grant funded works to provide access to replace windows

13/05/2021 - Design & Cost Report for Leeds Town Hall Essential stonework repairs and grant funded works to provide access to replace windows<br/>

The Chief Officer Culture and Economy;

a) Provided Authority to Spend £250,000 from existing budgetary

provision, Capital Scheme No. 16996 TRR ENB, for repairs to high level

stonework at Leeds Town Hall.

b) Noted that £347,000 is available from Capital Scheme 33433/BD2/000

with Authority to Spend in place, to allow the provision of scaffolding as part of

a £1m government grant to replace windows at Leeds Town Hall

c) Approved a variation of £597,000 to the current Heritage Maintenance

contract to allow Bermar Building to carry out the stonework repairs and

commence the Salix funded window replacement under their existing contract