Issue - decisions

Proposal for arts@leeds - Year 5 Extension

07/07/2021 - arts@leeds - Year 5 Extension

The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to extend the arts@leeds funding programme for a fifth year, with it being noted that a fifth year would extend the current round of funding to 31 March 2023.


In considering the report, the Board received information regarding the reasons for the proposal from the Chief Officer Culture and Economy.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board noted that the decision to extend the funding programme did not have any implications for the Council’s budget setting process.


With regard to an enquiry regarding this proposal and the separate proposals relating to the provision of resource for ‘Leeds 2023’, a Member sought assurance that there would be no ‘double counting’ across these two areas in terms of grant funding provision. In response, it was undertaken that clarification would be provided to the Member in question.


RESOLVED – That an ‘in principle’ extension of the arts@leeds programme for a fifth year, to 31 March 2023, be approved.


(Further to the declaration of interest as detailed at Minute No. 7, Councillor Pryor took no part in the consideration of this matter and left the meeting room for the duration of this item)