Issue - decisions

Leader’s Executive Arrangements

26/05/2021 - Leader’s Executive Arrangements

The leader has approved his executive arrangements to take effect imediately following the Annual Meeting of Council which is to take place on the 20th May 2021 as set out in the following documents.

At the Annual Meeting of Council, which is to take place on 20th May 2021, the leader is required to present details of:
?the names and wards of the Executive Members;
?the names of Deputy Executive Members and Support Executive Members;
?the extent of authority of the Executive Board;
?the extent of any authority delegated to individual Executive Members;
?the terms of reference and constitution of such executive committees as the Leader appoints and the names of Executive Members appointed to them;
?the nature and extent of any delegation of executive functions to Community Committees, the Health and Wellbeing Board, any other authority or any joint arrangements and the names of those Executive Members appointed to any joint committee for the coming year; and
?the nature and extent of any delegation to officers.

This report sets out details of the the leaders executive arrangements contained within Part 3, Section 3 of the Council’s Constitution that will come into effect following the Annual meeting of Council and outlined in the attached documents below:
Section 3A: Responsibility for Executive Functions
Sets out the name and ward details of the Leader, his deputies, and the Executive Members appointed by him.
Section 3B(a-c): Executive members Portfolios
Set out the details of the eight executive portfolios and details of responsibility in relation to the executive functions of Directors.
Also details those Members appointed by the Leader as Deputy Executive Members and Support Executive Members.
Section 3D(a-b): Community Committee Executive Delegation Scheme and Community Committee Champions
Set out executive delegations to Community Committees and details of the appointment, roles and responsibilities of Community Committee Champions.
Section 3C(a-d): Executive and Advisory Committees’ Terms of Reference
Set out the Terms of Reference for Executive Committees, and the executive functions of Community Committees and Advisory Committees which are appointed by Full Council.
Section 3E(a-l): Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive Functions)
Set out the Leader’s delegations to Directors in relation to Executive functions. All delegations are subject to saving that where the Leader or the relevant portfolio holder has directed or the Director considers it necessary the matter shall be referred to Executive Board for consideration. Director’s functions may in turn be sub-delegated through those Directors’ sub-delegation schemes to officers of suitable experience and seniority subject to the same saving provision.
Section 3F: Executive Delegations to Other Authorities
Sets out delegations of Executive functions made by the Executive to other authorities