Issue - decisions

Design & Cost Report for S278 Highway Works Associated with housing development at Prospect House, Fawcett Lane, Wortley, Leeds.

01/06/2021 - Design & Cost Report for S278 Highway Works Associated with housing development at Prospect House, Fawcett Lane, Wortley, Leeds.

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):
a) noted the detail of the highway works as outlined in section 3 of this report and shown on plan ref: B2334-JNP-90-ZZ-DR-C-2002 P03 attached at Appendix 3 of this report;
b) gave authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the development are carried out by the developer and overseen by the Council at the cost of the developer;
c) approved the adoption of new highway construction on land highlighted on the Adoption Extent Plan (ref: B2334-JNP-90-ZZ-DR-C-2004 P01) attached at Appendix 4, so that it can be added to the Council’s maintenance regime.
d) gave authority to advertise a notice under the provisions of Section 90C of the Highways Act 1980 in order to inform the public of the new speed cushions on Fawcett Lane pursuant to Section 90A of the Act, and if no valid objections are received, for the works to continue as advertised; and
e) gave authority to incur expenditure associated with the advertising of Section 90C notices estimated at £2000, expenditure associated with the construction, checking and supervision of the traffic calming highway works estimated at £5000, and any related staff and administrative costs, all to be fully funded by the developer through the Section 278 Agreement.