Issue - decisions

Design and Cost Report for Replacement Wheeled Bins and Glass Recycling Banks

18/10/2021 - Design and Cost Report for Replacement Wheeled Bins and Glass Recycling Banks

What decision has been taken?


The Acting Chief Officer has approved and given authority to spend against a new wheeled bin capital programme and glass recycling banks capital programme for the next 10 years.


The Chief Officer financial services has approved the injection of £2.9m into the capital program funded by prudential borrowing to give an overall programme of £5m across the 10 year period 2021/22 to 2031/32. Repayments to be met by the Waste Management Service revenue budget.


That Director of Communities and Environment has :-

  • Authorised spend of £4.8m for the provision of new and replacement wheeled bins for the next 10 years 2021/22 to 2031/32.
  • Authorised spend of £200k for the provision of replacement glass recycling banks for the next 10 years 2021/22 to 2031/32.

A brief statement of the reasons for the decision


Waste Management has a statutory requirement to replace domestic waste and recycling wheeled bins when they become damaged, lost, or reach the end of their working life, and to provide new bins when new services are implemented.  Due to the number of wheeled bins in use across the city the cost of this replacement service has been capitalised for a number of years.


Waste Management provides a network of 700+ glass recycling banks across Leeds. When these banks become damaged or reach the end of their working life, they need to be replaced in order to comply with safety requirements (LOLER).


The previous bin replacement capital programme (Scheme 12594) totalling £5.67m is now fully spent. A new replacement wheeled bin capital programme is now required. This is recommended for the next 10 years at a cost of £4.8M.


A replacement glass recycling bank capital programme is also required. This is recommended for the next 10 years at a cost of £200K. There was no previous capital scheme covering these costs.