Issue - decisions

Emerging City Plan

25/10/2021 - Leeds 2030: Shaping Our Best City Ambition

The Director of Resources submitted a report which sought the Board’s agreement in principle to the replacement of the Best Council Plan with a more externally facing and partnership focused City Ambition from February 2022. The report also provided the context for such proposals and set out the required approval pathway for that change.


In presenting the proposals within the report, the Leader highlighted how the Best City Ambition would aim to work more collaboratively with partner organisations across Leeds and build upon the positive learning and stronger relationships which had been developed in response to the pandemic.


The Board noted the comments made during the discussion, which included suggestions regarding the need for communities of Leeds, partner organisations and Members to be involved in the formation and delivery of the aims of the Best City Ambition, and that future reports on the Ambition consider how it would deliver those stronger relationships between the Council and its partners.



(a)  That the principle of replacing the Best Council Plan with a City Ambition, be endorsed;


(b)  That it be noted that General Purposes Committee (GPC) will receive a report which recommends that GPC endorses the necessary amendments to the Budget and Policy Framework, and refers such matters to Full Council for approval;


(c)  That agreement be given for Executive Board to receive a report in December 2021 which presents initial proposals and a draft City Ambition.