Issue - decisions

Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway Scheme

16/09/2021 - Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway Scheme

The Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation:
a) Approved the highways proposals for the Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway Project as documented in Appendix A.
b) Approved the procurement, via the Leeds Minor Works Contractor Framework Agreement (MWCFA), of a contractor to undertake statutory diversion works in late 2021 to facilitate demolition works. This will be done as part of the Boar Lane delivery works.
c) Approved the design and arrangement of proposed traffic restrictions which will be implemented by way of draft Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) for the Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway project. The required TROs will be secured using the powers contained within the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the Highways Act 1980 and pedestrian and cycle facilities are constructed under the powers contained under the provisions of section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980 for segregated or shared joint use by pedal cyclists and pedestrians.
d) Authorised the City Solicitor to advertise a notice under the provision of Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (amended) associated with the provision of a pedestrian crossing and if no valid objections are received, to implement the pedestrian crossing as advertised; and
e) To advertise the draft TROs as shown in Appendix B, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised.