Issue - decisions

To implement extension of existing Co-operation agreement held with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust for the Infection Prevention Control contract to continue work for COVID-19 pandemic

24/09/2021 - To implement extension of existing Co-operation agreement held with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust for the Infection Prevention Control contract to continue work for COVID-19 pandemic

What decision has been taken?
(Set out all necessary decisions to be taken by the decision taker including decisions in relation to exempt information, exemption from call in etc.)

The Director of Public Health has approved to implement a 9-month extension under variation 2 of the existing Co-operation agreement (DN384500) held with Leeds Community Healthcare Trust by 9 months from the 1st July 2022 to 31st March 2023. This will enable enhanced and increased capacity and capability of the existing Infection Prevention and Control Service to continue under the existing agreement.

The Director of Public Health has noted this service is commissioned by Public Health to Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) and is required to continue with the scaling up of this service to continue to deliver on outbreak management and the COVID-19 NHS Test and Trace programme.

The Director of Public Health has approved and noted the cost of this extension for 9-months is £396,900 and this will enable LCH to continue the increased capacity of the existing Leeds Infection Control and Prevention service. The rationale for this time period is due to the requirement to continue to effectively manage the ongoing requirement for infection prevention and management of COVID-19 and the need to have a robust agreement with flexibility with this existing Provider. This will be achieved by formally extending the variation agreement with Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust to deliver this vitally important service. This will be reviewed annually.

The Director of Public Health has approved to change the extension provision from the 12 months in the original contract variation to 9 months. This will be confirmed by letter to LCH and both parties will sign this agreement
The value of this extension is for a 9-month period (1st July 2022 to 31st March 2023) is £396,900. The funding for this extension will be accounted for in the management of the non-recurrent Public Health budget which includes the Health Inequalities Fund.