Issue - decisions

Wetherby High School Rebuild Proposals and Supporting Business Case

23/12/2021 - Wetherby High School Rebuild Proposals and Business Case

The Director of Children and Families and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report which set out the current issues regarding the condition of Wetherby High School estate, and following a review undertaken, presented details of proposals regarding the principle of a rebuild of the school.


Members welcomed the proposals and extended their thanks to all of those who had been involved in progressing the proposals to the current position.


In considering this matter, a Member highlighted Royds School, and the investment which it needed. The school’s academy status was acknowledged, and with that in mind it was noted that the options available in respect of taking Royds School forward would be looked into. 


Following consideration of Appendix B to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the principle of the rebuild of Wetherby High School and the ringfencing of capital receipts, CIL and S106, be approved in order to support its delivery, as set out in exempt appendix B (Business Case) to the submitted report;


(b)  That following resolution (a) (above), and subject to the successful outcome of the S77 notice and Sport England discussions regarding the release and development of land around Wetherby High School, approval be given to the submission of the planning applications for the school and housing development to support the delivery of a new secondary school at Wetherby for September 2024 at the earliest;


(c)  That the principles of the Business Case, set out in the submitted report and exempt appendix B, which has been developed to support the delivery of the proposed rebuild of Wetherby High School, be approved;


(d)  That approval be given for the submission of an Executive Board report at a future point in time once the Secretary of State approval to release the land is secured and the details of the Business Case required to deliver the project are known.