The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting a renewed framework for attracting and delivering major events for Leeds following a review of the Council’s existing events programme. The report also sought approval to host the World Triathlon Championship Series event in 2022 and 2024.
Responding to a Member’s comments, the Board acknowledged the need to ensure that the correct balance was struck between delivering major events, whilst at the same time ensuring that quality of life for local residents in those host communities was preserved, and that local communities were included in, and benefitted from such events.
Also, assurance was provided that where new major commercial events were delivered in Roundhay Park or similar venues, the commercial provider would provide the levels of resource required, which meant that staffing from parks services would not be diverted as a result.
(a) That the adoption of the Events Framework as presented in the submitted report, be approved, incorporating:-
(i) a mechanism for assessing and bidding for major events;
(ii) a Framework for delivery of major events held within Leeds; and
(iii) including an internal strategy for actively curating events within the City’s parks.
(b) That approval be given to host the World Triathlon Championship Series event in 2022 and 2024;
(c) That approval be given for the Head of Arts Events and Venues to be responsible for the implementation of Major Events Framework in Leeds.