Issue - decisions

S278 Highway Works Associated With Development on Land at Globe Road and Water Lane, Holbeck, LeedsS278 Highway Works Associated With Development on Land at Globe Road and Water Lane, Holbeck, Leeds

23/11/2021 - S278 Highway Works Associated With Development on Land at Globe Road and Water Lane, Holbeck, LeedsS278 Highway Works Associated With Development on Land at Globe Road and Water Lane, Holbeck, Leeds

The Chief Officer, Highways & Transportation:
a) Noted the detail of the highway works described in outline in paragraph 3 of this report and shown on plans: Phase 1A & 1B Proposals 733297/LCC/HWT/XX/DR/CH/MI_05_B, and Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders Phase 1A & 1B 733297/LCC/HWT/XX/DR/CH/TRO_01a and 733297/LCC/HWT/XX/DR/CH/TRO_02 , attached at Appendix 3 and 5 respectively;
b) Gave authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the development are carried out by Leeds City Council, fully funded by the developer.
c) Gave authority to incur expenditure of £961,000 works costs plus statutory undertakers’ costs, and £192,000 staff costs to be fully funded by the developer through the S278 Agreement.
d) Approved the adoption of new highway construction on land shaded orange on Drawing no. 733297/LCC/HWT/XX/DR/CH/MI_12_ so that it can be added to the Council’s maintenance regime.
e) Authorised the City Solicitor to erect a notice under Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 on site as required for introduction of the new pedestrian crossing.

f) Authorised the City Solicitor to advertise a notice under the provisions of Section 90c of the Highways Act 1980 in order to inform the public of the new raised speed tables and cushions on Globe Road and Water Lane and if no valid objections are received, to continue with the works as advertised.
g) Authorised the City Solicitor to advertise a Draft Traffic Regulation Order to remove 2 Pay by Phone parking bays to accommodate the zebra crossing and convert 2 Pay by phone parking bays to Car Club bays, and a Draft Speed Limit Order to introduce a 20mph speed limit on the roads indicated, as shown on TRO Plans 733297/LCC/HWT/XX/DR/CH/TRO_01a & 733297/LCC/HWT/XX/DR/CH/TRO_02, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised.