Issue - decisions

Leeds Museums & Galleries Strategy 2022-27

22/03/2022 - Leeds Museums & Galleries Strategy 2022-27

The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting for the Board’s consideration and approval the proposed new Leeds Museums and Galleries Strategy entitled, ‘Deepening Connections, Widening Impact’, for the period 2022-2027.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member for Economy, Culture and Education highlighted that the proposed strategy was made up of six key outcomes, with six objectives per outcome. In addition, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key aspects of the Leeds museums and galleries estate, which was spread across nine venues.


Members welcomed the proposals detailed within the submitted report.


RESOLVED – That the new Leeds Museums and Galleries Strategy, as detailed at appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved, and that responsibility for the implementation of the strategy be delegated to the Head of Service, Leeds Museums and Galleries via the Director of City Development, from March 2022.