Further to Minute No. 80, 17th October 2018, the Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway project (LSSTG) which was being delivered as part of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) Transforming Cities Fund programme. The LSSTG project, which was a joint undertaking with WYCA and Network Rail aimed to address issues of capacity, accessibility, health and safety, security and connectivity from the station’s entrance on New Station Street to the City Centre and South Bank. Specifically, the report sought required approvals for an injection into the Capital Programme and associated authority to spend.
In introducing the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the development of the scheme to date, what the proposed works entailed, details of the associated timeframe and gave a brief summary of the consultation exercise undertaken. Detail was also provided on the latest trends in passenger numbers accessing the station. The Executive Member also highlighted that in order to meet the long term needs of Leeds Station it was proposed by Network Rail to create a pedestrian priority area on New Station Street which was owned by Network Rail, with it also being noted that the proposed works would predominately be delivered on Network Rail property and that Network Rail would manage and maintain the asset when completed.
A Member highlighted concerns from some taxi and private hire trade representatives and from some representing disability groups on the proposals which had been brought to his attention. It was noted that such concerns were specifically regarding disabled accessibility and the relocation of the taxi rank to Bishopgate Street and the potential for capacity related issues arising. In response, it was emphasised that whilst the Council would continue to work with partners on such matters and in acknowledging the related concerns which had been raised, it was reiterated that New Station Street was Network Rail property and the security decision to remove vehicles from New Station Street had been taken by Network Rail.
In relation to the concerns regarding disabled access, the Board received an overview of the breadth of consultation undertaken, and whilst the concerns raised as part of that consultation were acknowledged, the level of support which had been provided was highlighted. In addition, details were provided on how the proposals aimed to improve accessibility, including disabled access in the vicinity of the station. Finally, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with further detail / a briefing around the modelling and design work that had taken place and which had led to the proposals, should this be required.
(a) That the previous injections and authority to spend of £9.737m up to the end of May 2022, specifically for development works and advanced works at Bishopgate East, Neville Street, and Dark Neville Street ahead of the main construction programme, be noted;
(b) That the remaining injection of £25.912m from a total of £35.649m available funding into the Capital Programme be approved (which is subject to subsequent approval at the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) Transport Committee on 1st July 2022 and entering into a subsequent Funding Agreement with WYCA); with such funding delivering the main construction element of Leeds Station Sustainable Travel Gateway (LSSTG) project;
(c) That it be noted that approval to enter into the contracts associated with the delivery of the LSSTG will be subject to the approval of the Director of City Development, under delegated decision-making authority;
(d) That the authority to spend £25.912m on the LSSTG programme in order to deliver the remaining main construction element of the LSSTG project, be approved, which will be funded by the Transforming Cities Fund and administered by WYCA, subject to the WYCA Transport Committee of 1st July 2022.
(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this Minute)