Issue - decisions

Award of cooperation agreements to Area Inclusion Partnerships for provision of Mentoring services to support young people at risk of involvement in violence to re-engage with education

20/07/2022 - Award of cooperation agreements to Area Inclusion Partnerships for provision of Mentoring services to support young people at risk of involvement in violence to re-engage with education

In the absence of the Director of Children and Families and the Deputy Director, Learning, the Deputy Director, Children & Families Social Work Service approved the award of cooperation agreements as below for provision of Mentoring services to support young people at risk of involvement in violence to re-engage with education.

The commencement date of the cooperation agreements is subject to the timescales in which the DfE can arrange for release of funds for this element of the programme: it is hoped this will be July/August but could be September. The cooperation agreements will expire on 31/03/2025:

a)  The East AIP for the value of £1,180,583

b)  The North-East AIP for the value of £191,167

c)  The North-West AIP for the value of £191,167

d)  The South AIP for the value of £191,167

e)  The West AIP for the value of £191,167