Issue - decisions

The New Discretionary Business Rate Relief Scheme

07/07/2022 - The New Discretionary Business Rate Relief Scheme

Further to Minute No. 19, 22 June 2016, the Director of Resources and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report regarding the review of the Discretionary Business Rates Relief policy which had been undertaken, and which presented proposals for a new scheme for the Board’s consideration,which aimed to support the creation, retention and improvement of employment delivering inclusive growth in the city.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further detail regarding the proposal to cap the total scheme value at £1.75m, which it was noted was a cap level that had been carried over from the previously agreed scheme. In addition, responding to a specific enquiry, clarification was provided that whilst the Council’s Community Centres were charged Business Rates, the Council did not apply for those centres to be part of the Business Rates Relief scheme.



(a)  That the policy for the new Discretionary Business Rates Relief Scheme, as detailed within the submitted report, be approved;


(b)  That the decision to award discretionary business rate relief be delegated to the Director of City Development, together with authority to make any minor alterations to the approved scheme.