Issue - decisions

Section 278 highway works associated with development of up to 130 dwellings, including the demolition of 632 and 634 Whitehall Road – Land At Whitehall Road, New Farnley, Leeds

08/06/2022 - Section 278 highway works associated with development of up to 130 dwellings, including the demolition of 632 and 634 Whitehall Road – Land At Whitehall Road, New Farnley, Leeds

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation):
a) Noted the detail of the highway works as set out in paragraphs 1-6 in the Design and Cost report and as shown on the plan included at Appendix 3;
b) Gave authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an agreement with the developers under the provisions of minor Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the development are carried out by the developers under the City Council’s supervision and inspection; and
c) Gave authority to incur capital expenditure of £131,000, consisting of £115,000 works costs and £16,000 staff costs, all to be fully covered by the developers as part of the Section 278 agreement.