Issue - decisions

Design & Cost Report for S278 Works associated with the outline planning application ref.: 17/02594/OT for a residential development comprised of 800 dwellings, primary school, convenience store, Public Open Space and associated highway improvements

21/06/2022 - Design & Cost Report for S278 Works associated with the outline planning application ref.: 17/02594/OT for a residential development comprised of 800 dwellings, primary school, convenience store, Public Open Space and associated highway improvements

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation:
a) noted the detail of the highway works described in the section below and shown on plans 733470-LCC-HWT-RA-DR-CH-GA_001 rev P02 & 733470-LCC-HWT-RA-DR-CH-GA_002 rev P02 attached at Appendix 3 of the DC Highways Board Report;

b) gave authority to negotiate the terms of and enter into an agreement with the developer under the provisions of Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980; whereby the works associated with the development are carried out by Leeds City Council, fully funded by the developer;

c) gave authority to negotiate an agreement under Section 8 of the Highways Act 1980 with North Yorkshire City Council to enable Leeds City Council to carry out the works as described;

d) gave authority to incur expenditure of £2,404,878.14 works costs and £522,975.63 staff costs to be fully funded by the developer through the S278 Agreement and Section 106 Contributions;
e) approved the adoption of new highway construction on land shaded red on drawing number 733470-LCC-HWT-RA-DR-CH-MI_001 rev P01 so that it can be added to the Council’s maintenance regime;
f) approved the construction of a new shared footway/cycleway between the proposed northern site access and Sandbeck Lane shown on drawing 733470-LCC-HWT-RA-DR-CH-GA_001 rev P02 under the powers contained under the provisions of section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980 for shared joint use by pedal cyclists and pedestrians; and
g) authorised the City Solicitor to advertise a Draft Speed Limit Order to reduce the speed limit on B1224 Racecourse Approach to 40mph from south of junction 46 A1(M) to and including the roundabout at the junction with York Road, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders as advertised.
If objections are received when advertised these will be reported back to board.