Issue - decisions

Leeds Health and Care Partnership Memorandum of Understanding

08/08/2022 - Leeds Health and Care Partnership Memorandum of Understanding

The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which recommended to Executive Board the approval and formal signup to the Leeds Health and Care Partnership (LHCP) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU formally presented the approach towards working together that the Leeds Health and Care Partnership was taking to achieve the agreed vision for Leeds to be “a healthy and caring city for all ages, where people who are the poorest will improve their health the fastest”.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted the reference to ‘Scrutiny’ in the diagrams at section 14 of the submitted report, with a recommendation that the Memorandum of Understanding document, as presented at Appendix 1 be amended to incorporate appropriate reference to Scrutiny, in line with the illustration within those diagrams.


Responding to a Member’s comment that aspects of the approach were complex, the Board received further information on the reasons for this approach, with assurance being provided that the Council would continue to work collaboratively with partners in this area, look to maximise the benefits of this model for the people of Leeds and West Yorkshire, and that the approach taken would be made as comprehensible as possible.



(a)  That subject to the comments above regarding the inclusion of appropriate reference in the Memorandum of Understanding document to ‘Scrutiny’ being taken into consideration, the Board approves and signs up to the Leeds Health and Care Partnership Memorandum of Understanding, as presented within the submitted report and appendices;


(b)  That the draft Leeds Integrated Care Board (ICB) Committee Terms of Reference (which were approved by the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board on 1 July 2022), be noted;


(c)  That it be noted that the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which sets out the strategic priorities in relation to the Health and Wellbeing Pillar of the new City Ambition, is due to be refreshed later in the year.