Issue - decisions

Alignment of functions of the officer delegation to the remit of the Council’s Scrutiny Boards

26/07/2022 - Alignment of functions of the officer delegation to the remit of the Council’s Scrutiny Boards

Using the delegated authority set out in Article 15.2.3 of the constitution, and the sub-delegation from the City Solicitor, the Head of Legal Services is amending the way in which two functions within the officer delgation scheme are aligned with the remit of the Council’s Scrutiny Boards. The changes reflected in the amended Article 6 at Appendix A (Annex 2) are as below:
a) The functions of the Director of Resources that relate to Civic Enterprise Leeds and Community Infrastructure Levy are to be removed from the remit of the Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board.
b) The functions of the Director of Resources that relate to Civic Enterprise Leeds are to be included within the remit of the Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Board.
c) The functions of the Director of Resources that relate to the Community Infrastructure Levy are to be included within the remit of the Infrastructure, Investment and Inclusive Growth Scrutiny Board.