Issue - decisions

Leeds City Council's Response and Recovery to the Coronavirus Pandemic

26/09/2022 - Leeds City Council's response and recovery to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic

Further to Minute No. 22, 27 July 2022, the Chief Executive submitted a report which presented an update on the current estimated position of Covid-19 in the city and its ongoing impact; a brief review of the pandemic since March 2020; an overview of the seven Response and Recovery Plan’s themes; together with details of the ongoing work within the Council and with partners in response to the pandemic, which was now largely under ‘business as usual’ arrangements. It was also noted that this was anticipated to be the final Covid-19 update report to the Board.


In introducing the report, on behalf of the Board, the Leader highlighted that Members’ thoughts continued to be with all those who had lost loved ones to Coronavirus throughout the pandemic.


In considering the report, Members paid tribute to all Council officers and Members, together with partner organisations who had contributed towards the city’s response and recovery from the pandemic. In addition, it was highlighted that the partnership approach which had been so effective throughout the pandemic continued to be reflected within the Council’s Best City Ambition.


Further to this, Members received an update on the actions which continued in response to Covid-19, with reference being made to the ongoing preparations for winter pressures. In conclusion, Members highlighted the need to ensure that all partners remained vigilant with regard to the circulation of the virus.



(a)  That the ongoing key issues identified, together with their continual progression as part of regular working arrangements, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the tragedy of lives lost to Covid-19 and to all those who have been impacted both personally and professionally, be recognised and remembered;


(c)  That thanks be extended to all Council staff and partners for their relentless efforts, which ensured the system-wide partnership supported communities and organisations as far as possible with the resources and information available at the time;


(d)  That the lessons learnt be noted, together with how they have been incorporated into wider work, such as the Best City Ambition; with it also being noted that the series of Covid reports which have been submitted to Executive Board will inform any response required as part of the upcoming UK Covid-19 Inquiry.