Issue - decisions

Local Centres Programme – Boston Spa

19/08/2022 - Local Centres Programme – Boston Spa

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation);

Approved the detailed design of a package of measures in the centre of Boston Spa, as outlined in Appendix B (798-LCC-33-XX-DR-TM-01_01d) and give authority to implement the works;

Noted the required expenditure of £460,000, comprising £380,000 works costs, £75,000 staff fees and £5,000 legal fees, with:

£75,000 funded from the Regeneration Local Centres Capital Programme
£200,000 from Churchfields S106 Highways
£10,000 from Moorland, land off Grove Road, S106
£115,000 from Churchfields S106 Public Transport
£60,000 from CIL Neighbourhood Fund

Gave approval to inject and spend £385,000 from the Capital Programme with funding from:

£325,000 from Section 106 contributions
£200,000 from Churchfields S106 Highways
£10,000 from Moorland, land off Grove Road, S106
£115,000 from Churchfields S106 Public Transport
£60,000 from CIL Neighbourhood Fund

Authorised the City Solicitor to advertise a notice under the provisions of Section 90c of the Highways Act 1980 and advertise draft Traffic Regulation Order and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised.

The Chief Officer (Asset Management & Regeneration);

Noted the contents of the report, and

Gave authority to spend £75,000 funded from the Regeneration Local Centres Capital Programme.