Issue - decisions

New Children's Residential Provision

24/03/2023 - New Children's Residential Provision

The Director of Children & Families has agreed to:

a)  Note the content of the report and invest to save proposition for new capacity within the children’s residential portfolio;

b)  Approve the overall business case as described in this report;

c)  Approve the revenue expenditure necessary for the operation of the proposed new homes;

d)  Approve the establishment of new posts, as detailed, to support the proposed new homes; 

e)  Note the financial implications and give authority to spend budgets (revenue and capital) as identified in this report; and

f)  Note, as per the Scheme of Delegation, that the Chief Officer, Asset Management & Regeneration, will be required to approve the acquisitions, as and when properties are identified.


The Chief Officer, Financial Services has agreed to:

g)  Note the content of the report and invest to save proposition for new capacity with the children’s residential portfolio; and

h)  Approve the necessary injection into the capital programme to enable property acquisitions.