Issue - decisions

Seek authority to recommission a home independence and warmth service

24/02/2023 - Seek authority to recommission a home independence and warmth service

What decision has been taken?

(Set out all necessary decisions to be taken by the decision taker including decisions in relation to exempt information, exemption from call in etc.)


The Director of Public Health has:-

Granted authority to procure the ‘Home Independence and Warmth Service’ utilising the Negotiated Procedure without Prior Publication of a Notice under Regulation 32 (2) (b) (ii) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as these services can only be provided by Care and Repair (Leeds) in partnership with Age UK (Leeds) and Groundwork (Leeds) owing to the absence of competition for technical reasons.  The award of the contract will be subject to the satisfactory completion of procurement and governance processes.

Approved a contract period of 3 years commencing 1st October 2023 (with an option to extend for a period of up to 2 years in any combination).

Approved the confirmed budget of £570,367 per annum which is £366,870 from Public Health and £203,497 from Communities, Housing and Environment; and

Approved that a further £150,000 per annum funding from the Integrated Care Board, which is to be submitted to the Board for approval on 23rd February 2023, be allocated to this service should approval be granted; this would allow a maximum budget of £720,367 per annum and £3,601,835 for the overall contract period should the full extension be taken up. Should the Integrated Care Board not approve the additional funding then the award would be £570,367 per annum. The utilisation of the extension period will be subject to a separate decision at the appropriate time and will be as a direct consequence of this decision.

Noted that a report will be submitted for approval at the end of the procurement process to approve the contract award, which will be a direct consequence of this key decision and will therefore be a significant operational decision and not be subject to call in.