Issue - decisions

Traffic Management Capital Programme 2023/24

24/04/2023 - Traffic Management Capital Programme 2023/24

The Chief Officer (Highways & Transportation) was requested to:


Review and approve the prioritised list of Traffic Management Capital schemes to the sum of £230,000 as identified in Appendix A for the 2023/24 capital year allocation.


Approve the design, consultation and (subject to the making of any necessary Traffic Regulation Orders – be this Speed Limit or Waiting/Movement Restriction) the implementation of the approved programme of works as detailed in Appendix B of this report.


Give authority and request the City Solicitor to advertise any Traffic Regulation Orders as listed in Appendix A (Speed Limit or Waiting/ Movement Restriction Order and any related traffic calming measures) as required to address/ resolve the problems identified for each scheme, and if no valid objections are received, to make, seal and implement the Orders and proposals as advertised;


To receive further reports resulting from objections received to any of the advertised orders, or other matters arising from the scheme proposals; and


Give authority to incur expenditure of £230,000 which will be funded entirely from the Traffic Management Capital Programme.