Issue - decisions

Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) Capital Programme 2023-24

28/04/2023 - Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) Capital Programme 2023-24

The Chief Officer (Highways and Transportation) has:


i)  Reviewed and approved the prioritised list of proposed schemes set out in Appendix A for delivery as part of the 2023/24 Urban Traffic Management & Control (UTMC) Capital Programme.


ii)  Given authority to incur expenditure of an expected £2,113,734 (inclusive of all works costs, fees and legal costs) which will be funded by way of £2,073,000 from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS) and £40,734 from a S106 developer contribution.


iii)  Approved the injection of £2,073,000 from the CRSTS and £40,734 for the A63/Lidgett Lane junction from a S106 developer contribution into the UTMC Capital Programme 2023/24.