Issue - decisions

To award Contracts for the Supply of Groceries

17/03/2023 - To award Contracts for the Supply of Groceries

The Chief Officer Civic Enterprise Leeds awarded contracts from 3
April 2023 for a period of 16 months with the option of 1 x 12 month
extension for the following:-

Lot 1 – Dairy and Non-dairy, to AF Blakemore & Son t/a Blakemore
Foodservice for an estimated annual value of £498,000. Total value
including extension £1,161,000.

LOT 2 – Dry Goods to AF Blakemore & Son t/a Blakemore
Foodservice for an estimated annual value of £572,000. Total value
including extension £1,334,000

Lot 3 – Tinned Goods to JJ Food Service Ltd for an estimated annual
value of £274,000. Total value including extension £638,000
Total annual estimated value £1,342,000 including extension