Issue - decisions

Leeds' Cultural Investment Programme

29/06/2023 - Leeds' Cultural Investment Programme

Further to Minute No. 20, 27 July 2022, the Director of City Development submitted a report setting out proposals to enable the Council to modernise its cultural investments and relationships with the independent cultural sector across the city following the review and consultation undertaken. The report summarised the headline findings from the work undertaken and presented the recommendations arising for the period April 2024 to March 2027.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member highlighted the range of economic, social and wellbeing benefits arising from a strong cultural sector in Leeds.


Responding to an enquiry regarding the impact of the LEEDS 2023 initiative, the Board received an update on the delivery of the programme to date, providing details of key events and the economic impact being realised as a result of LEEDS 2023.



(a)  That approval be given to redesignate the current grant programmes (arts@leeds and Leeds Inspired) to the ‘Leeds Cultural Investment Programme’, which will work to the shared aims, priorities, principles and implementation approach, as set out in the submitted report;


(b)  That approval be given to a new three-year investment programme for 2024/25 to 2026/2027, based upon the existing annual investment of £1,835,720 across the two present funds (arts@leeds and Leeds Inspired), and that it be noted that funding commitments will be subject to annual Council budget setting and therefore subject to potential change;


(c)  That following resolution (b) (above), agreement be given to the Director of City Development using his existing delegated powers to approve grant funding decisions for these programmes, with awards of grants being made in accordance with the proposed aims, principles and priorities, and in support of the Best City Ambition.