Issue - decisions

Approval of additional funding to incur costs at the RIBA Stage 4 development under a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PSCA) for the Kirklands Autism Project

12/05/2023 - Approval of additional funding to incur costs at the RIBA Stage 4 development under a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PSCA) for the Kirklands Autism Project

The Interim Director of Adults and Health has:-
Approved the release of additional funding of £156,882.29 enabling the Council to enter an NEC4 PSC with Kier Construction Ltd T/A Kier Construction North and Scotland to complete the RIBA Stage 4 design for the Kirklands Autism Project. The value of the contract is £306,882.29.

Noted that a further Design and Cost Report will follow in mid-2023 to seek Director approval to award a Construction contract and incur costs related to it currently estimated at £6m. The Design and Cost Report will form a Key Decision and will therefore be subject to call-in procedure.