Issue - decisions

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023 - 2028

03/08/2023 - Approval of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023 - 2028

The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report presenting a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy covering the period 2023 – 2028, which was designed to provide the Council and partner organisations with an updated strategic direction and framework to achieving the city priority of reducing homelessness and rough sleeping. The report noted that the strategy had been informed by the extensive consultation which had been undertaken.


In presenting the report the Executive Member highlighted the strategy’s 4 overarching ambitions and provided an overview of the actions which lay beneath those ambitions. The consultation undertaken in the development of the strategy was emphasised, with it being highlighted that the approach being taken was to ensure that the aims of the strategy were underpinned by positive engagement. Finally, the Board was invited to approve the strategy as presented, and the aims and priorities within it.


Responding to an enquiry the Board received further information regarding the measuring of the strategy’s outcomes and the data that would be used to target services as appropriate, with it being noted that the intention was to review outcomes after 6 months to evaluate the impact being made.


RESOLVED – That the new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2023 – 2028, as presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.