Issue - decisions

Request for approval to award a direct contract to Oksidia Oy to provide a Tuition Management system for Artforms - waiver of CPRs 8.1 and 8.2

01/06/2023 - Request for approval to award a direct contract to Oksidia Oy to provide a Tuition Management system for Artforms - waiver of CPRs 8.1 and 8.2

The Deputy Director for Learning approved:

• The waiver of Contract Procedure rules 8.1 and 8.2 and to directly award a contract to Oksidia Oy without competition on a time and materials basis. The contract will expire at the end of March 2027. The estimated total contract value is in the sum of £50,000.
• The contract is to commence as soon as possible following authority to award and will be for a duration of 4 years.