Issue - decisions

Authority to establish a Household Waste Recycling Site (HWRS) DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) for residual waste, timber, inerts and plasterboard. Authority to award contracts under the first Further Competition exercise of the same DPS. The total a

07/09/2023 - Authority to establish a Household Waste Recycling Site (HWRS) DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) for residual waste, timber, inerts and plasterboard. Authority to award contracts under the first Further Competition exercise of the same DPS. The total a

The Chief Officer for Environmental Services under CPR 3.1.7 and 3.1.8 approves establishing a 12 year DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) for the processing of a range of wastes (residual, timber, inerts and plasterboard) collected at the Councils HWRS (Household Waste Recycling Sites).  The DPS will run from April 2024 until March 2036 and will be set up using the process outlined in this report.


The Chief Officer for Environmental Services approves the acceptance onto the DPS of all suppliers who successfully pass the Standard Selection Questionnaire (SQ) and the subsequent award of contracts to those suppliers who are successful in the first further competition exercise according to the process outlined in this report and the evaluation criteria specified. The first further competition exercise will be for a duration of 4 years and has an estimated value of £21.5 million.