The Director of Communities, Housing and
Environment has approved the decision to award additional funding
from the Housing Prevention Grant and the Domestic Abuse New
Burdens grant to the total value of £328,000 to the Beacon
Contract (Turning Lives Around) to support delivery of the service
at its current level to meet demand and to cover rising
i)Retrospectively approve an allocation of £248,000 from the
Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) via the
Homelessness Prevention Grant to Turning Lives Around with regard
to the Beacon Contract (DN199026 – Intensive and Dispersed
Accommodation Service) for the period 1/4/23 to 31/3/25.
ii)Retrospectively approve an allocation of up to £80,000
from the DLUHC Domestic Abuse New Burdens funding, to enhance the
offer around Domestic Abuse support to Turning Lives Around with
regard to the Beacon Contract (DN199026 – Intensive and
Dispersed Accommodation Service) for the period 1/4/23 to
iii)Approve the modification of the contract value under Regulation
72 (1)(b)(i) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 totalling
£328,000 for 2 years. These figures are in addition to the
value of the contract price of £1,119,580.07 per annum. The
maximum total value of the variation will be no greater than
£328,000, an increase of 3.6%, when taking into consideration
the overall contract value over its eight years of