Issue - decisions

Delivery of New Additional Affordable Housing at Sugar Hill, Oulton

24/11/2023 - Delivery of New Affordable Housing at Sugar Hill, Oulton

The Director of City Development and the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a joint report providing an update on the Council’s ongoing support for the residents of Sugar Hill and Wordsworth Drive, Oulton, and detailing a proposal to continue to work collaboratively with Leeds Federated Housing Association (LFHA) to support the appropriate redevelopment of the site to deliver 70 new affordable homes.The report also set out a recommendation to approve the allocation of a sum from the Council’s Affordable Housing Commuted Sums programme to fund a grant to LFHA, which would support the delivery of 30 Affordable Rented homes in total as part of the scheme.


The Executive Member introduced the report, providing an overview of the proposals and details of the work undertaken by the Council and in collaboration with LFHA to support the former residents.


Responding to enquiries, the Board received further information regarding:

·  the timing of the proposals, which it was noted were in response to the ongoing engagement with former residents and the desire shown by former residents to return. It was also noted that the proposals would enable the Council to provide a formal commitment to LFHA in relation to the delivery of housing on the site so that the appropriate mix of housing tenure could be determined; and

·  the implications for the proposed housing delivery on the site should the allocation from the Affordable Housing Commuted Sums fund not be provided. Specifically, it was noted that the mix of tenure would change, reducing the number of Affordable Rented Homes available, which would in turn reduce the potential for former residents who wanted to rent a home to return.


In addition, assurance was provided on the extensive and ongoing engagement which continued to be undertaken with the former residents, including engagement on how affordable housing on site would potentially be allocated. It was also noted that consultation would be undertaken on the proposed Local Lettings Policy.


Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which was considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was



(a)  That the Council’s continued engagement with former tenants of the Sugar Hill and Wordsworth Close estate and their representatives, be noted; and that the actions undertaken to prevent homelessness following eviction by the previous landlord, and the positive way in which Leeds Federated Housing Association has engaged with previous tenants and supported the remaining protected tenants on the estate following acquisition of the site also be noted;


(b)  That a commitment of £2,824,553 Affordable Housing Commuted Sums funds to Leeds Federated Housing Association, be approved, which will uplift the delivery of Affordable Rented homes on the site from 14 to 30;


(c)  That approval be given for the Council to enter into a grant agreement with Leeds Federated Housing Association on the terms as set out within the submitted report; and that full details of the agreement be delegated to the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing;


(d)  That approval be given for the Council to implement a Local Lettings Policy for all of the 30 grant-funded Affordable Rented homes, on the terms as set out within the submitted report, with full details of the agreement being delegated to the Director of Communities, Housing & Environment, in consultation with the Executive Member for Housing.