Issue - decisions

Determination of Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) rates to be paid to childcare providers 2024-25

23/02/2024 - Determination of Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) rates to be paid to childcare providers 2024-25

The Director of Children and Families approved the breakdown of the Funded Early Education Entitlement for eligible children aged 9 – 23 months (from September 2024):

£10.67 base rate paid to all providers (new for 2024/25)

£ 0.32 centrally retained services (new for 2024/25)

£ 0.10 deprivation supplement (new for 2024/25)

£ 0.09 SENDIF (new for 2024/25)

£11.18 funding allocated to the local authority from the DfE


The Director of Children & Families approved the breakdown of the Funded Early Education Entitlement for eligible children aged 2 years old (from April 2024):

£ 7.78 base rate paid to all providers (up £1.91 from April 2023)

£ 0.24 centrally retained services (new for 2024/25)

£ 0.10 deprivation supplement (new for 2024/25)

£ 0.09 SENDIF (new for 2024/25)

£ 8.21 funding allocated to the local authority from the DfE


The Director of Children & Families approved the breakdown of the Funded Early Education Entitlement for 3 and 4-year-olds (from April 2024): 

  £ 5.20 base rate paid to all providers (up £0.28 from April 2023) 

  £ 0.22 centrally retained services (increase of 2p from 2023/24)

  £ 0.19 deprivation supplement (no change from 2023/24)

  £ 0.09 SENDIF (increase of 4p from 2023/24)

+£ 0 08 uplift from LA to providers

  £ 5.62 funding allocated to the local authority from the DfE


a)  The Director of Children and Families approved the increase of the SENDIF supplement from a maximum of £1,800 per year to £2,088 for a child attending 15 hours and from £3,600 to £4,176 for a child attending 30 hours.