Issue - decisions

Lettings Policy review 2023-24

20/12/2023 - Lettings Policy Review 2023-24

The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report outlining proposals for consultation to be undertaken on proposed changes to the Council’s Lettings Policy. Specifically, the report set out the proposed consultation process and timescales for the implementation of the updated policy and sought the Board’s approval to commence consultation.


In presenting the report, the Executive Member highlighted the significant increase in demand for social housing which had been experienced in Leeds since the policy was last reviewed in 2019. Also, further detail was provided on a number of implications arising from that increased demand.  As such, it was noted that the proposed changes to the policy aimed to adapt to the circumstances now being experienced and to ensure that priority was given to customers with the greatest housing need. Also, further detail was given on the proposed consultation exercise and the associated communications campaign.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding the priorities of the service, it was highlighted that the report was proposing a consultation exercise, and that the proposals intended to be submitted to the Board next year would respond to the consultation outcomes. However, it was also highlighted that whilst the Policy is based upon prioritising customers with housing need, the outcomes from the review would aim to maximise the number of people that it could help. Members also acknowledged the fact that residents wanted to be Council tenants, which was seen as a positive reflection upon the service being provided by the Council.



(a)  That the consultation plan, as set out in section 17 of the submitted report on the proposed changes to the Council’s lettings framework, be approved;


(b)  That a report be submitted to Executive Board in summer 2024 setting out the results of the consultation exercise, including a full equality impact assessment and which seeks approval for the implementation of a revised Lettings Policy;


(c)  That an extension to the suspension of the Date of Registration and Tenant Transfer quotas be approved until the new lettings policy is approved.