Issue - decisions

Kirkstall Accommodation - Children and Families and Housing Services Use

06/03/2024 - Kirkstall Accommodation - Children and Families and Housing Services Use

a)  The Director of Children and Families approved the use of vacant student accommodation for the provision of semi-independent accommodation for care leavers. 


b)  The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment approved the use of vacant student accommodation for the provision of temporary accommodation for families presenting as homeless.


c)  The Director of City Development approved the entering into an initial lease arrangement as to support the delivery of a) and b)


d)  The Directors note that a planning application will be submitted by the Council jointly with the developer/owner of the accommodation to allow for a change of use so that maximum use of the accommodation can be implemented and that subject to the outcome of that planning application process that a further decision will be taken by the Director of City Development to agree any subsequent lease matters.