Issue - decisions

Council Housing Growth Programme: Approval to procure an alternative contractor to deliver an Extra Care housing scheme at Middlecross, Armley via the SCAPE procurement framework

31/01/2024 - Council Housing Growth Programme: Approval to procure an alternative contractor to deliver an Extra Care housing scheme at Middlecross, Armley via the SCAPE procurement framework

The Chief Officer Asset Management & Regeneration has
a) Approved issuing an appointment letter and entering into a due diligence review with Morgan Sindall Construction Limited under the SCAPE procurement framework; and
b) Noted that subject to a successful review of the project, a request to enter into a contract to deliver services of Pre-construction, Design and other Professional Services to complete RIBA 4 via the SCAPE framework for the Middlecross project will follow subject to a separate report; and
c) Approved a contingency budget to enable any surveys or other necessary costs to be met as part of the initial due diligence review as detailed in confidential appendix A.