Issue - decisions

Dawsons Corner and Stanningley Bypass - Junction Improvement and Safety Critical Works

05/03/2024 - Dawsons Corner and Stanningley Bypass - Junction Improvement and Safety Critical Works

The Chief Officer Highways and Transportation has:

a)  Noted the current position with MRN Programme Entry approval.

b)  Gave approval to enter into funding agreements with both DfT and WYCA.

c)  Noted that the split of funding from the DfT MRN programme could rise to 100% of total costs from the 85% (minimum) agreed at Programme Entry. At the time of writing, DfT guidance is awaited on the anticipated funding uplift.

d)  Approved the attached design (Appendix B) and note that further minor amendments may be incorporated during the Stage 1 Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) phase.

e)  Subject to approval of the FBC, give approval to award the Stage 2 construction contract and give approval to spend up to £51.926m to construct the scheme and undertake all related activities.

f)  Upon award of the DfT funding following FBC approval, inject DfT Major Roads Network (MRN) funding up to a maximum of £51.926m into the Capital Programme. In addition to the WYCA local contribution injected to date, inject any remaining WYCA contribution up to a total value of £8.48m, with a maximum combined DfT/WYCA figure of £51.926m..

g)  Approved expenditure of up to £8.48m, which will enable LCC to develop and complete the FBC, Stage 1 ECI contract, purchase the Workhouse Charity Land together with completion of any Safety Critical Emergency works on Stanningley Bypass undertaken before award of the Phase 2 contract;

h) The required TROs will be secured using the powers contained within the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the Highways Act 1980 and pedestrian and cycle facilities are constructed under the powers contained under the provisions of Section 65(1) of the Highways Act 1980 for segregated or shared joint use by pedal cyclists and pedestrians.