Issue - decisions

Annual Fee Review for Externally Commissioned Adult Social Care Services 2024-2025

07/03/2024 - Annual Fee Review for Externally Commissioned Adult Social Care Services 2024-2025

The Director of Adults and Health : 


Approved an increase in the fee rates as detailed in the table in paragraph 15 ii below for the externally commissioned home care services under the new Interim Homecare contract including the hospital retainer rate, and the new rate for the Community Health and Wellbeing contract the financial year 2024/2025 in paragraph 15 ix. 

Approved the fee increase and agreed the new cost structure stated in paragraphs 16 ix and 16 x of this report for the independent sector older people’s care homes overarching agreement for the financial year 2024/2025.  

Approved an increase in the hourly rates for Extra Care and the Direct Payments rate for Personal Assistants, in accordance with the home care rate increases to be applied to the Primary and Framework providers as stated paragraphs 18 and 19 in the report.  

Approved an increase in the hourly rates for Community Based Short Breaks Providers to be managed within the overall budget for this service as stated in paragraph 15 xiii of the report.  

Approved the inflationary allocation to manage all uplift requests for 2024/2025 for all independent sector Learning Disability and all other working age adult independent sector providers.  

Approved the process of uplift offers with providers of services for working age adults, during the course of 2024/25, based on the use of the adapted Care Cost Calculator and on rigorous value for money audits of the Service Cost Analysis Form (SCAF) submitted by the providers.  

Agreed that all increases in fees shall be applied from, the 8th April 2024.  

Noted the relevant Head of Commissioning will implement this decision immediately following the expiry of the call in period by issuing letters to the care providers to inform them of this decision and updating the Client Information System to allow payments to be made at the new rate or commencing the discussions with providers where relevant.