Issue - decisions

Leeds Transformational Regeneration Partnership - Entering into an informal regeneration partnership with government and other public sector bodies

15/03/2024 - Leeds Transformational Regeneration Partnership

The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented a proposal for the Council to enter a long-term Leeds Transformational Regeneration (LTR) Partnership with the Government, Homes England (the Government’s national housing and regeneration agency) and West Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to support a 10-year programme of change and investment focused on central Leeds.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members and published as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as detailed in Minute No. 104.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member highlighted the fast paced nature of the partnership working which had been undertaken, with it being noted that the report was being submitted following a recent Government announcement at the Spring Budget of 6th March 2024. The range of regeneration opportunities that this partnership arrangement presented were highlighted and the commitment provided by Government was welcomed. The key elements of the proposals were noted, and it was undertaken that appropriate consultation would be conducted with communities and stakeholders during the development of proposals.


Members welcomed the proposals and acknowledged the effective collaborative working with Government and other partners, alongside the progress made by officers which had enabled the scheme to be developed to its current position.



(a)  That it be agreed that the Council enters into the Leeds Transformational Regeneration Partnership on the basis as set out within the submitted report, and that progress on the partnership and its activities be reported to the Board annually;


(b)  That the commitment of revenue funding from Government to support the Council in developing and delivering an LTR work programme, be welcomed;


(c)  That the capital grant commitments made by Government, as set out within the submitted report for City Partner projects, be welcomed, and that it be agreed that a future report be submitted to Executive Board to consider the detailed implications for the Council, including its continued role in supporting the development ambition for Temple Works;


(d)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director, in consultation with the Executive Member for ‘Sustainable Development and Infrastructure’, to take decisions relating to the Council’s contribution to the design and delivery of the LTR implementation plan and delivery programme.