Issue - decisions

Authority to award a Framework Contract for the Supply of Coffee Shop and Café Solutions

20/02/2024 - Authority to award a Framework Contract for the Supply of Coffee Shop and Café Solutions

The Chief Officer Climate, Energy and Green Spaces has approved the award of a framework contract for the supply of Coffee Shop and Café Solutions to:
Lot 1 – Café Direct
Lot 3 – Café Direct
Lot 4 – Café Direct
Lot 5 – JJ Food Service Ltd
Lot 6 – JJ Food Service Ltd

The Framework contract will have an estimated overall value of £1,140,000 and be for an initial period of 3 years with the option to extend the contract for a further 12 month period.

The decision to award the contract is a Significant Operational Decision as it is a direct consequence of a previous Key Decision (decision ref D56737) taken in August 2023 “Procurement of a contract for coffee and café solutions” and is therefore not subject to call-in.