Issue - decisions

Renewal of Microsoft Unified Support Agreement.

21/02/2024 - Renewal of Microsoft Unified Support Agreement.

The Chief Digital Information Officer gave approval to award a new contract under Regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 - Use of the negotiated procedure without prior publication to renew the Microsoft Unified Support Agreement to ensure robust access to specialist support is in place across the LCC Microsoft product set.

This decision is a direct consequence of the key decision taken in 2023-24 covering the IDS Digital Scheme 2023-24 (ESP Programme) where the option to renew Microsoft Unified Support Agreement was to be considered.
The decision has now been made to activate this renewal for a period of 3 years at a total cost of £702,594 – profiled as follows:

• 26/02/2024 – 25/02/2025 - £195,162
• 26/02/2025 – 25/02/2026 - £234,185
• 26/02/2027 – 25/02/2026 - £273,246