Issue - decisions

Investing in area-based energy efficiency improvements to back-to-back homes in Armley and Holbeck (phase 3 group repair).

19/04/2024 - Investing in area-based energy efficiency improvements to back-to-back homes in Armley and Holbeck (Phase 3)

The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report on proposals regarding the development of energy efficiency improvements to a number of back-to-back homes in some of the most deprived areas in Leeds, and which sought several approvals from Executive Board in order to progress such proposals.


In presenting the report the Executive Member provided an overview of the proposals within it, which would see a significant investment in energy efficiency improvements to 350 back-to-back homes in Armley and Holbeck. Details of the range of benefits arising from the proposals were highlighted, with it being noted that such improvements were in line with Leeds’ Marmot City principles. It was also noted that a feasibility study was proposed to be undertaken on the 100 properties in Armley to ascertain the suitability of the area for ground source heat pumps.


Regarding the reference within the submitted report to ‘Equans S.A.S’ at recommendation (d), the Board noted that this should read ‘Equans Regeneration Ltd.’.


A Member raised an enquiry about the possibility of delivering further schemes to cover other areas in the city. In response, it was acknowledged that whilst the submitted proposals would build upon previous schemes, the potential delivery of further improvements would be welcomed, but with it being noted that any such proposals would be dependent upon securing further funding.



(a)  That, subject to the correction referenced above, the contents of the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That the necessary authority be provided to enter into a grant agreement for £1.785m with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA); and that the necessary authority be provided to enter into a grant agreement for £4.5m with the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) via the Levelling Up Fund (LUF), with the latter being subject to the LUF grant award;


(c)  That the request to inject £1.785m of WYCA grant funding and £4.5m of DLUCH grant funding into the Capital Programme, be approved, supplemented by £6.3m of other income, as set out within the ‘Resource Implications’ section of the submitted report;


(d)  That the necessary authority to spend for £12.992m in order to deliver both entire programmes in Armley and Holbeck, be approved;


(e)  That the necessary authority to direct award to Equans Regeneration Ltd. via the Greener Futures Partnership Decarbonisation Delivery Framework, be approved;


(f)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment in order to enable the Director to determine whether to seek further WYCA funding of c£2.1m to part-fund phase 2 in Armley, subject to the outcome of the feasibility study; and that should this funding be secured, the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Communities, Housing and order to provide the Director with the authority to procure, to inject into the Capital Programme and also provide the Director with the authority to spend.


(Further to Minute No. 118 above, Councillor Arif left the meeting room for the duration of the Board’s consideration of this item, returning to the meeting at the conclusion of this item)